Female frogs strategically play dead to avoid unwanted male frog attention

Elli Wondergem

Some female frogs have some interesting behaviors when it comes to interacting with males during the mating season. This behavior, called "cryptic behavior", is where females hide and remain still to avoid detection by males. This behavior is seen in some species of frogs, such as the strawberry poison dart frog. These frogs have bright and vibrant colors, which may attract unwanted male attention. To avoid this, female frogs hide in vegetation or other hiding spots and remain still, blending in with their surroundings. 

Another behavior observed in some frog species is called "mate selection." In these cases, female frogs actively choose their mates. They may do this by assessing the calls of the males and selecting the one that produces the most attractive or suitable call. By being selective, females can choose a mate that is healthy and genetically fit. It is important to note that these behaviors may vary among different species of frogs. Some frogs may exhibit different strategies to avoid male attention, while others may have different methods of mate selection. according to…expert herpetologist Mary Dickerson “While humans experience a "fight or flight" response in life-threatening situations, it appears these frogs rely on what researchers call "avoidance behaviors" according to…expert herpetologist Mary Dickerson. These behaviors are fascinating adaptations that have evolved to increase the chances of survival and successful reproduction in the world of frogs. Female frogs have the ability to control their reproductive choices. They can actively choose which male they mate with and when to engage in reproduction. This control allows them to select the most suitable mate and optimize their chances of producing healthy offspring.Once a female frog selects a mate, the process of fertilization occurs. In many frog species, fertilization is external. This means that the female releases eggs into the water, and the male simultaneously releases sperm to fertilize them. The female's eggs are then typically fertilized externally before development begins.