New trends and fashion statements are skyrocketing on the internet which include sneakers, cropped
tops, sunglasses, bold colors, and graphic t-shirts. The amount of Americans, especially those in Gen-Z,
who follow the latest fashion trends are growing each year. About 37% of Gen-Pop follow the trends they
see online, on billboards, and other places like magazines, pictures on social media, and from other people.
Even individuals in older generations continue to participate in certain trends.
“I usually slip on a simple t-shirt in the morning, but sometimes it's nice to try something new like a
colorful cropped top and a pair of jean shorts on a hot day,” Nikole Merwin said.
Some individuals may enjoy these new trends, but there are also others who are very against it.
“I just don't understand the point of buying jeans with holes in them, it's pointless,” Carolynn Gill said.
Some individuals from the older generations believe there are more negative sides to these fashion trends, one of those being that children and teens are losing their own identity, some trends are pointless, and some trends cause teens to build negative body image issues.
The trends that are now invading social media content are continuing to evolve as time goes on. Long skirts turned into short ones, Big, fun hats are now simple baseball caps, and long boots have become a
less dramatic pair of sneakers.
“Sometimes I wish fashion was like it used to be, simple, respectful, and inspiring,” said Lucy Miers.
The Evolution of Fashion: From Statement Pieces to Simplified Styles
Brooklyn Merwin