Students to go on summer trip to Portugal and Spain in June

Katie Blauwkamp

In June, 45 students will travel overseas for a summer trip in Portugal and Spain. This trip will allow them to make lifelong friendships and memories with their peers. The excursion will be led by architect teacher Rachel Goosen. “It is a great way to experience new places and cultures, meet new people, gain a global perspective, let you try traditional cuisines, and get a taste of what it means to live in a different country. Traveling abroad will improve your communication skills and help calm your mind and stay more positive,” said Goosen. In Spain, the group will visit Madrid, Toledo, Avila, and Salamanca. In Portugal, they will stop in Coimbra, Porto, Fatima, Lisbon, and Cascais. Students will be able to see cathedrals, castles, a Flamenco dancing show, universities, and monasteries, and go on a river cruise.

“I am most excited about the European shopping experience as well as trying all of the cultural foods. It will be exciting to experience all of this with my friends and teachers,” said senior Kinsey McAleece. 

In years past, the Europe trips have consisted of groups of 25 students. However, this year they are taking a much larger group which will allow them to disperse safely and enjoy the areas that they are exploring. Along with the larger group sizes, they will have more time in each of the cities and will be able to experience more of the culture because they will visit just two countries rather than several as they have in the past.