Growing up with siblings gives individuals numerous skills that can be beneficial later in life. Only childs

miss out on sibling rivalry, competition, and challenges that can be beneficial for character growth.

Interacting with siblings, pushing children to navigate through conflicts, negotiate, and resolve disputes,

while also fostering friendships and enjoyment are all important benefits that siblings provide one

another. They also learn how to work well together with people and collaborate easier. Siblings teach

children the importance of sharing, whether it's material possessions or emotional support. This early

practice of sharing can lead to generosity and openness in adulthood. According to researchers, “a

warm, close bond with a sibling in early adult life is predictive of greater resilience later in life, with less

loneliness, anxiety and depression.” Having a sibling can be a resource for kids to talk with someone

through their struggles if they aren't able to open up to their parents or friends. Children are more likely to

confide in their siblings, and turn to their siblings as a source of support. One of the biggest risk factors

for developing youth is suffering in isolation and loneliness, and having a sibling can prevent that.

Siblings can bring out the social side of their brother or sister and make it easier for each other to make

friends. Even as kids grow older, siblings allow for mutual development and remain important parts of an

individual's life throughout all stages of their life. Sibling relationships can be the strongest bonds in a

person’s life. A person who grew up without any siblings may become too comfortable with being alone

and it can be harder for them to gain social skills. Siblings do a lot more for people than one may realize

and contribute to the individual’s growth and development throughout their whole life.

Uncovering the Hidden Benefits of Growing Up with a Brother or Sister

Taylor Blauwkamp