According to Pew Research Center, “ Young people are more likely than older people to say that
the government should do more to solve the problems facing our country.” This statement shows a high
level of political efficacy. Why then, are young people the age group responsible for the lowest amount of
voter turnout? One answer suggests that young people are simply too busy with work and school to cast
their ballot on election day. Many other answers though suggest that young voters are more apathetic to
the idea of voting. The trend of young people not voting though, is predicted to change; according to a
CIRCLE study on youth in politics there is a rising trend of political activity in youth, however some part
of that group is still too young to cast votes yet.
Some of this indifference may stem from feeling unrepresented by the present state of politics. About 50% of voters self-identify as independent, rather than with the traditional parties. If a young adult identifies with a party, however, it can be a place to build community with people who share similar beliefs and interests with Young people play a very important role in modern politics. The policies that are voted on affect education, job opportunities, health care, and the environment, all issues that are reportedly of high interest to young people. There is a certain amount of ignorance someone has to have to be able to say they, “don’t care about politics.” To completely disregard politics shows a lack of concern for the
economic, social, and physical state of our country's future. Even if a young adult is not yet able to vote,
being aware of politics and the decisions being made that directly affect their future is of essence.
The Future is Now: Young Peoples Role in Politics
Evelyn Rousseau